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We are happy to inform you that your standard employee discounts are now available online on our website and Apps as well.

The following are the offers available for you :
  • - 25% off for all Private Brands
  • - 10% off for all other brands (including ELCA brands)
  • - Offer does not apply for Gold, Jewellery, Gift Cards/eGVs, First Citizen Membership, Amazon devices
  • - Note that only one of regular promotion/offer, or Employee discount can be availed

To avail the offer, just visit or our Mobile Apps and login with your official (shoppersstop / crossword) email id. All employee discounts will automatically apply when you add any product to your cart. The system will automatically apply the the employee discount, or the regular promotion/offer whichever is better. If you face any challenges in availing the employee discount, you can write in to

Happy Shopping !!!


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